The Housekeeper

Hello and would you just look at the calendar and where has the time gone?

I would make excuses for the lapse in months or tell you what I’ve been up to, but that would be projecting, and if you want to know these things, I’m sure you’ll just ask.

In any event, the theme of tonight’s story hits awfully close to home, so maybe if you listen you’ll understand a little more why I keep creeping back.

A week or so ago, the delightful Joanna Walsh wrote a lovely screed about reading more women writers this year, to which I respond with an approving ROAR and attach herein what I hope is the first of many such in the months to come, in the name of the incomparable Elizabeth Bishop.

Here’s more chatter about #readwomen2014. Read more women. And read more men, too, I think, and more people who don’t quite easily shoehorn into either classic gender.

ps: Some background noise, yes. I’ve moved house, and recording space, again, which means I need to throw my equipment against the walls to get the acoustics just right.

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