A Few Nice Things

Sometimes people say nice things. Sometimes even about me, or this project. Here are a few of them. I’m missing a lot, which is why I thought I’d better get it together and collect what I can. You can also look on iTunes to see what people say there. Not all of it’s nice, but you can help change that…

“And thus, Miette’s Bedtime Podcast. Hours and hours of grown-up bedtime stories by greats like F. Scott Fitzgerald, Virginia Woolf, Edith Wharton, and many more, read in Miette’s hypnotic Scottish accent. Or maybe “read” is too blunt a word to use. Miette purrs the stories in just the right, soft, soothing way you need at the end of a hectic day. Her blog posts are prefaced with charming non-sequiters; her story selections are impeccable. She is, essentially, a gift from the bedtime gods.”
— Amy Shearn on Oprah.com

“In relation to this story, I wonder: what present could a man and his girlfriend give each other that one would see as a financial burden and the other would see as a wonderful gift?”
Freelistens on Hills Like White Elephants

“But now Miette’s Bedtime Story Podcast has us curled up with our iPods before we go to sleep, to the chagrin of our rather grumpy significant others. Miette is possessed of a charming Scottish accent, which made her almost an ideal choice for a Bloomsday reading of “Eveline,” by James Joyce, which is how we first stumbled across her.”
The New Yorker’s The Book Bench, on Eveline

“Miette’s Bedtime Podcast is a distinguished podcast known for featuring classic and contemporary short stories by great & overlooked writers. Recently she did a reading of the great story A Woman of Properties which comes from the Crazy Woman short story collection.”
Robert Nagle on A Woman of Properties

“Now I like the obscure, but she, well… she’s just out there – Miette has gone past the obscure and into the hinterlands of the truly odd. Every once in a while I want to throw her a lasso (or a lifeline) but I’m kind of afraid because she might pull me out there with her!”

“Months before LibriVox came along, she and an insomniac friend were reading short stories to each other on the telephone around bedtime. He kicked his sleeping problems. She didn’t. She kept reading to him anyway, recording the stories and sending them to her friend via email, then posting them to the Web. Word of the website spread, and she soon found herself with 1,000 or so fans she couldn’t shake.”
The Wealth of Librivox, Michael Erard, Reason Magazine, May 2007

“At first, I found it odd that a British accent should be reading a story about the South. Faulkner was from Oxford, Mississippi not that other Oxford. But, if I can enjoy Wodehouse read by an American, I certainly can love a Brit reading a story set in Dixie.”
Freelistens on A Rose for Emily

3 thoughts on “A Few Nice Things”

  1. I enjoyed listening to you read ‘A Rose for Emily’, it helped me catch things I wouldn’t have by reading it myself, and kept me paced. Your voice sounds great too.

  2. Congratulations Miette, you are one of those rare curators that make the Internet a wonderful, shiny thing. Please don’t ever stop.

    P.S. May I suggest a PayPal ‘donate’ button? I’m sure many of us would love to show our support directly…

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