The Sin of Jesus

Babel: exposition follows drama, form follows function, violence follows funny, and sin is quickly and heartily followed by impossible Russo-Jewish names.

UPDATE 6th January 2010: re-recorded below thanks to the persuasive efforts of the few and mighty. A good thing, too, as it’s been a while since I’ve had the chance to say things like “slut” in the voice of god.

8 thoughts on “The Sin of Jesus”

  1. Both this story and the previous one are old favorites of mine that I’ve shared with others in the past, so I’m so glad to see them here–and know I’m in for a treat. Thanks!

  2. Uh-oh, Miette! This one is cut short at the end… I hope you’ll try again; it’s a great and very funny story, and read it with a real twinkle in your (unseen) eye.

  3. Yes, it’s still cutting short. But I love the way you read this one, full of funny spots. Love it when you say “He took off his belt and beat her… like a hero! Right on the belly!” HA.

    I just discovered your podcast and I love it! Looking forward to listening to them all.

  4. My mistake. Actually, it cuts off in the middle of a sentence, but I think the ending of the story is the last full sentence you read, not the one that got cut off. I just checked the text.

  5. You know, this is way too good as a story to be subjected to the likely insufferable production values. On one more AYE vote I’ll rerecord. xo and happy New Year.

  6. Okay, you win! The new and improved and squeaky clean version is above, if there’s anything squeaky clean about loose ladies and smothering angels.
    — Mtte.

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