
Happy Bloomsday to you, and happy third Bloomsday podcast from your Miette, an event which many of you will remember is dear to me.

And I can hear you now: “Oh, that’s nice Miette, but Bloomsday is about Ulysses. When are you going to read Ulysses?”

Well, I didn’t do the entire thing (maybe next year) but with my friends at Librivox, we’ve managed to satisfy the best sort of Bloomophile. I’m serious. Really so.

4 thoughts on “Araby”

  1. Miette:

    Sorry… I have been “gone for awhile” myself too. Thank goodness you are still around!! THANK YOU!!!

    Just wondering… have you decided to drop the “LOBAND WIDTH” downloads of your stories? I prefer them. If you are not going to have this option… well- I guess can live with it!! 😉

    Keep up the good work!!

    LUV and KIZZEZ,

  2. Actually, I haven’t dropped the lo-band so much as “wised right up here.” All files are now formerly known as lo-band. So you should be in good good shape. Welcome back.
    — mtte.

  3. One day I was looking for Federigo´s Falcon and i happenned to stumble across your site.
    I truly enjoy your stories, i´m only fourteen, but I love literature, and the stories you read are amazing.
    I was wondering if you could rerecord Federigo´s Falcon, because the current version is very hard to understand.

    Thank You,

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