Sir Henry

I have a good excuse to spare you my blathery scrawl about the show-stopping beauty in this story — the hot cats at Electric Literature have done so in a flashier way, and before you even tap the PLAY button on your baubly mp3 players, you ought to watch this:

Nice, right? Apparently an artist named Luca Dipierro is to blame.

But it’s time to forcibly extract the candy from your eyes and cram it in your ears. Here’s a story.

9 thoughts on “Sir Henry”

  1. I love this story. I’m a dogwalker, my son is a dogwalker. I will share this story with many. The author gave me feelings I believe I have while listening but know for sure when the story ends, I am not “the dog walker”. Still, when listening to the story the feelings are there as if they always were and always will be.

    Thank you, Miette, for reading it to me.

  2. Thank you for this! I’ll definitely pick up the collection that this comes from, it sounds fascinating. It’s always nice hearing stories from authors that I doubt I would have come across otherwise.

  3. Hi Deborah. The other day I saw this little bloodhound puppy, all ears and feet, tethered to a person, and I couldn’t help but fawn and coo over it for a solid ten minutes before looking up to discover the owner, an acquaintance, trying to contain himself. Because I suppose most people would have acknowledged the owner, especially if a friend.

    Which is to say that I’m nowhere near the seriousness of the dogwalker, but I’m pretty close to Batty Dog Lady. Which is close enough. Either way, I’m glad you liked it.

    Chris: from the other stories you’ve commented on, you’ll love this collection. Promise.

    — Mtte.

  4. Miette! Do you know that your web site is five years old today? Happy birthday and please please give us five and ten more.

  5. I love that you’re doing this, I’ve been a fan for over a year and apologize for not giving you my love. I, and all of my followers, love your stories.

  6. “The dog, a timid damaged animal of great gentleness and forbearance, was on a plane to Africa by the time he found out about it the next day. ” God, I love lines like this!

  7. My absolute number 1 top thing about making these: when people discover new stories and/or writers with a jumping-up-and-down This is GREAT sort of enthusiasm. Hurrah for you, Robert Nagle! Go read some Lydia Millet!

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