The Sailor-Boy’s Tale

Twice now I’ve sat down to read something from Isak Dinesen’s Winter’s Tales
, and twice when pawing through for a good story, I’ve ended up spending hours re-reading the stories in here, to the point of distracted negligence, but to the point of great self-satisfaction nevertheless.

One day I’ll just relent and read them all to you, but that’d be a big project, and if you’re anything like me, you’re already running on the fumes of big projects. …

How Light Belief Bringeth Damage

A fable! About thieves and liars and moonlit wishes, fair ladies, conjurations and broken bones. Not your mother’s fable– no talking animals here. (This, a short entry for the same reason as short fable, which I’d post invisibly if you could read my mind, or at least my file structure, and know where to find it. I’m supposed to be in bed!)