After the Fair


To: fair listeners
From: Miette
Re: the random audible aspiration to be heard in this podcast

Please do excuse the random audible aspiration to be heard in this podcast full stop Some stories do excite me so, and sometimes I find myself nearly swallowing the microphone full stop Honest full stop I didn’t notice until it was nearly over but perhaps the effect will suit you and the story and reading as well full stop

1 thought on “After the Fair”

  1. hello miette, great stuff on your site. I was wondering whether you would do me a favour and help out in a parallel project, and read a chapter for the next librivox recording (not sure what it’ll be)… punch librivox into google and you’ll find us, an: “open source audio-literary attempt to harness the power of the many to record and disseminate, in podcast form, books from the public domain….”

    all the best, hugh.

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