The Red Room

So listen, about today’s story, well, as you’ll know when you listen to the first minute, I’m running low on resources at the moment, tapped, so to speak, at least, until things are nice and orderlied again. And so those willing to share might send their finds and recommendations via the Electronic Scenicroadway to miette (at) hereabouts (domain-wise). And to repay you in advance, why not check here for one of the better audio finds I’ve made in these parts. But I think for best effect, tackle tonight’s story first, OK?

Oh, and well, at the recommendation (read: incessant prodding to the point of NUISANCE, and you know who you are) of more than you than I’m able to count, fine, I’ve made a page on that web site everybody’s talking about where you can be my, well, “Friend,” if you can find me. Though I still can’t imagine why anyone would want to be on any other web site but this?

1 thought on “The Red Room”

  1. Hello, Dear and Precious One called Miette,

    It seemed to me to understand in one of the introduction of your recent podcast, that you had asked for suggestions for authors….?

    Then I allows to myself to draw your attention to 3 authors whom I love particularly.

    1. MIKHAIL BOULGAKHOW – “Maître et Marguerite”, “La Maison de Monsieur Molière”, etc. All his never wrote is the *chef d’oeuvre!

    2. MARGUERITE DURAS – She knows all about love. Very, very fertile writer. “The eyes green”, “Emilie L”, ” Amant “, etc. Marguerite_Duras

    3. FRANK HERBERT – “Duna ” – my Soul shivers when i’m riding this.

    If you like these proposals that will be an immense pleasure of hearing them read by you.
    And I dare to hope for many” faithful ears ” always famished of your talent.


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